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Joanne Watters Jessie's Student February 14, 2010

I’m Joanne Watters and I was Jessie’s first doctoral student at UNC and possibly ever.  Jessie had the biggest smile that took up at least half of her face.  When I first met Jessie, that smile was really inviting and comforting.  However, the longer I worked with her, I began to realize that what often accompanied that smile was a request for something that you probably didn’t want to do and might not even be sure you could do. But somehow, it always got done.  She taught me so much academically, but I learned even more about getting difficult things done.  Sometimes just asking for things actually makes it happened and she certainly knew how to ask.  I have never been as productive as when I worked with her. Deciding to work with Jessie was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my career.  I’m not sure I’d be working in cancer research today without her.  At UNC, there are a lot of folks doing obesity research and I started to worry that I might be missing out.  I remember her just smiling and saying there are lots of other people doing that, stick with what you know - there’s plenty of work to be done and even fewer people to do it and she was right.  I last saw Jessie when she came to NIH to give a talk to the eye institute about her work on lutein.  I was giving her a ride back to her hotel and we were discussing my career.  In her typically direct manner, she told me she was concerned I was getting a bit too comfortable as a postdoc and wanted to know what my plan was.  Well, even though she wasn’t technically still my adviser, I always wanted to please her so I began to outline a plan and really focused on my answer.  In fact, I was so focused that I disregarded the no left turn sign.  As we heard the siren and saw the lights, I tried to assure Jessie that it was just the NIH police and they couldn’t do anything to us.  As the “officer” came to the car, I was polite and smiled, Jessie was smiling and he took my license back to write up a warning.  Wouldn’t you know, Jessie used that time we waited to continue coming up with the plan for my career?  That’s a really fond memory for me and one that shows me that although she could be tough, she took her position as a mentor seriously and always wanted the best for me.  She pushed me to excel, even past my own expectations. I emailed Jessie 2 weeks ago to let her know that I accepted a real job at NCI and her email was short and sweet “I am absolutely thrilled for you.  Let’s chat more soon.”  I suspected that we’d probably work together at some point in my new position and I was really looking forward to transitioning from student to peer, but I’m really grateful for the time we had together and all she taught me.  I will truly miss her.

Mona Celia R. Mercado Condolences... February 14, 2010

Je ne peux pas trouver les mots qui peuvent exprimer douleur.  Désolé j'ai entende parler du déces de Jessie. Je prie que Dieu vous consolera dans ces moments difficile. Jessie a touché les vies plusieurs personnes et vivra dans leurs coeurs pour toujours.  Gros bisous a toute la famille!  // My love and prayers are with you all during this difficult time....

The Peyechu family To the Satia family February 13, 2010

We wish to convey our condolence and deepest sympathy to you for the passing of your daughter Asong. We know this will be a great loss to your family and friends. May the good Lord almighty provide you the strength you need at this time. May her soul rest in perfect peace.


God bless you,

The Peyechus

barry popkin Professor February 13, 2010
To Jessie's family,  The last two years have been very hard on you and all of us. I had the great fortune to help recruit Jessie to Chapel Hill. She trained under a former student of mine--Ruth Patterson-- and then I was fortunate to carry on the tradition. She and I had dozens of lunches together and I watched with joy as she continued a great careeer and as she grew as a great mentor and teacher.  We loved here and we will all miss her.  I just send you my deepest sympathy.  I am lucky to be able to say good bye at her memorial service. We miss you jessie and I am just so sad.  barry popkin
Howard and Vivienne Strickler With Love February 12, 2010

Dear Satia Family;

The news of Asong’s passing is simply devastating to the Strickler Family.  We watched her grow as an infant and then later living with us while attending the University.  Asong was also our daughter and the fact of her death is unfathomable.  You were always the brilliant one – so gifted and talented.  We send our condolences from Seattle to the amazing friends we have in Ben and Philo and Asong’s two sisters.  May God bless you all in this time of grief, but we know that God’s grace is perfect for Asong.  She will rest in peace with the Lord and we wait for the time when we can be united once again.  It is this lament that we send our profound condolences and prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.

Howard and Vivienne Strickler


Terrence B Wakai Mr February 12, 2010

Asong, Rest In Peace. I truly lack the words.

To the Satia family, you are all in my prayers. 

Tiandem family Peace and Comfort February 12, 2010

Auntie Philo and family.

On behalf of my brothers and sisters, please accept our sincere condolences for this great loss in your family. He that gave us Asong has called her back and she's joyfully resting in the hands of the Lord. We will keep you in our prayers. 

Kielley and Kenneth Fon-Ndikum May you rest in perfect peace February 12, 2010
O Sister Asong,
Little did I know when I met you in June that will be the last time I will see you.  It hurts!!! I thank the Lord for the memory of the great times we shared, and for your accomplishments.  Still it hurts.  You will forever live on in our memory Asong, and your accomplishments will serve as inspiration to those left behind.  My dear friend, may you rest in perfect peace. May the Lord be with your family during this time, and may they find comfort in the moments they shared with you.
Kielley and Kenneth Fon-Ndikum
Michael McMorrow Mr. February 12, 2010
What a special and beautiful spirit Dr Satia was and will remain always in the hearts and minds of all whose lives she touched.
Paul Amuna Dr February 12, 2010

To the Satia Family,


I got to know Jessie through the ANEC conference aimed at building capacity in utrition in Africa where she accepted our invitation and has made a huge impact. Your loss is felt by all of us who only knew Jessie in the short time that we interacted with her. But she always made an instant impact wherever she was and we all feel pride that she could achieve so much in so little time. We cannot understand the ways of God, nor can we question His wisdom but we rest assured that in Jesus, she has an everlasting friend, more than the rest of us combined though we all sorely miss her.


The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, comfort you even as it gives Jessie the eternal rest that she is enjoying now, free of pain, and in His bossom.


Paul Amuna, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, on behalf of the entire Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC) Council and African Nutrition fraternity.

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