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Nicole Taylor Rest from your labor February 10, 2010
Jessie, our paths crossed only a time or two, yet your footprint remains in my spirit.  Your smile invited me to smile back.  Your presence encouraged me without saying a word.  Your spirit motivated me to think beyond what I could see, to do and be more.  I wondered what words I could humbly offer to you and your family, this is where God led me:

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” Revelation 14: 13


I know you are blessed....I know you are at rest from your labor...I know your work follows you. 

To your family: May God comfort and strengthen you during this time.
Wizdom Powell My solemn condolence February 10, 2010

Dear Jessie and Family:

It is with a heavy heart and spirit that offer my condolences. Jessie was a warm and generous sisterfriend. I am so grateful that our paths crossed and know that I am better for it. This is a difficult time for us and yet I find comfort in the following quote written by Octavia Butler: "We have lived before, we will live again, we will be silk, stone, mind, star, we will be scattered, gathered, molded, probed. We will live, and will serve life. We will shape God and God will shape us again, always again, forevermore."

Peace & Blessings,
Pamela Asobo-Anchang Au Revoir,Till we meet again February 10, 2010
Dear Asong,
Words cannot describe the sorrow of losing a friend like you.
In this time of grief the question of “why?” has no answer. The good Lord alone knows why you had to leave so soon. Our family can only pray for the repose of your soul. May you find eternal peace and comfort. Yes my dear rest in perfect peace. 
May your family find comfort in the faith of the resurrection, knowing that you are in a better place where there are no more worries. Yes my dear friend and sister, we will miss you dearly but someday we will all be united in Christ.
You touched many lives Asong.Thank you for all your encouragement during your time in Los Angeles. Thanks for your support of The Immigrant Magazine, the articles you wrote I will forever cherish and those will be the legacy for many to share. We all will miss your gentle disposition and sweet voice.
Rest in peace my dear.
Pamela & Charles Anchang
Los Angeles, Ca
Dieudonne & Bibiane Mayi Condolences February 10, 2010

Dear Jessie,

We are in tears, we are asking the Lord why, why? It is hard to think that Jessie is no longer with us.  We shared the friendship and precious moments with you when you were living in Seattle.  You will always be in our hearts. We are very saddened with your passing.  We pray the Lord almighty to welcome you with open arms in his kingdom eternal. We pray for your family that the Lord will heal their wound and appease their sorrow over time. Our condolences to the Satia family for this loss, it is a loss for the academia, it is a loss for all of us who knew and loved Jessie. Rest in peace Jessie!

Gwen Fang DR. February 10, 2010
Oh Asong, gone too soon is all that has been on mind since my sister called me with the news of your passing. Little did I know that June 2009 was our last meeting. You called me several times prior to that date singing my praises stating "I will not miss that graduation party". You were not feeling well and you still came as promised. Thanks for being a great friend. You will be greatly missed but I am sure the Lord has better plans for you. For your life here on earth, I say 'Thank You Lord'. For all your accomplishments, I applaud you. Rest in Peace my dear friend until we meet again.
George Ntungwe Enongene Nhon February 10, 2010

Your family and the world did love you dearly, but God did better and he has the extenuating circumstances. May your soul be in his safe keeping.



Joseph Njamfa and family FAREWELL February 10, 2010
Dear Asong, May you rest peacefully with your CREATOR. You left SO SOON. Ashia, ashia to the entire family. We are all very sad to hear this.
Angeline and Conrad Njamfa RIP February 10, 2010

Hi Asong,

             On behalf of my family, I wish you perfect peace as you depart this world to the promise land. May the good Lord open his arms and accept you into his heavenly kindom. I did not know you very well but after reading all your accomplishments in your short 39 years , I know the Lord is going to welcome you with great pride because you gave back to him the gifts he gave you by doing so much for others. May your legacy live on. RIP

Love Angeline Nchako Njamfa-----------Tiara's aunt in California  

Nagella Nukuna Dr. February 9, 2010


         We will fondly remember your sweet voice, kind heart your tenacity and hard work. You were such an inspiration to us all and even in death, we learn of your tremendous success. In your memory, we will strive to continue serving mankind and enhance scientific breakthroughs for Cancer and other ailments. My last memory of you was at Gwen's graduation when you were not feeling well but you still made the effort to be there, a true testament to your committment to friendship. We will miss you dearly.

Tender thoughts.

Nagella Nukuna (class and room mate: CCAST Bambili)

Dominic Awahmukalah PhD Family Friend February 9, 2010

Dear Jessie Asong Satia,

May your soul rest in perfect peace with the Lord. It is not the length of the life that counts but what we do with the time we have. You have achieved so much in your short life by Gods design. I can see you in our small house in Yaounde when you came back to Cameroon with mum and dad from Seattle Washington. You were such a darlling and gave all of us so much JOY and FUN .By an act of God I met you again after so many years in College Station Texas last May 2009.That occassion has served as our earthly Goodbye. May St. Peter and his choristers of angels receive you at the gate of Heaven. Girl, we are on the way  of  this tedious journey. Prepare a good place for all of us for  DEATH is the surest thing that folows life. Have a safe journey. Uncle Dom

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